The POWER is in your authentic story.
Most people today are wary of traditional marketing. They crave personal connection. They want to engage in conversations that are real and honest. Your unique story is what builds relationships and drives business results.
As a former journalist, I help companies, nonprofits and entrepreneurs hone in on their authentic story and the most powerful ways of sharing it.
Together, we create a plan for content that is results driven and measurable.
(and why Rebeccah Lutz)

“People must know YOU to inspire trust in your product or service.”
You have a powerful story to tell. I take a creative and strategic approach to content marketing to help you share that story with the people you want to reach most. For some clients, that means developing and implementing a comprehensive content strategy for all media channels. Other clients contract with me to create high-quality content for specific projects.
“The next time I reinvent myself, it’s going to be on my own terms.”
If you are to entrust me with telling your story, you should know mine. It starts in a small town in Appalachia, where I grew up surrounded by people who can best be described as characters. Rich, complicated characters who left an indelible impression on my beliefs and values. I grew up hearing stories told by and about these people, which is why I became a storyteller. Their influence served me well as I set out on a path that led me to tell amazing stories across the globe. MORE>
(meet Rebeccah)

Interviewing the
Rev. Franklin Graham in Indonesia

With Sylvia, a young girl kidnapped by the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda

In a torpedo tube on the USS Memphis, a fast-attack submarine